jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

New York kids: School or street life

Wednesday April 8th 2009

The TASS state school in Manhattan attends kids from housing projects in the poorer neighbourhoods of the East Village.

Mike Goodwin (teacher of this school) thinks this: The art, yoga and being a good listener help to distract pupils from the culture of drugs and gangs waiting for them outside the school!

Teachers help kids to express themselves. Create a teaching programmes in drama, music and visual arts. The kids can even do yoga in their music class. Because this programm is complementary with each subject.

The students love the interaction and the small group ,and they like communicating maths,lenguages, sciences and history through a piece of visual art or music. It's more creative than learning in traditional way.

For more information see this web site: http://www.guardianweekly.co.uk/?page=editorial&id=1018&catID=5

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Election day

I registered to vote, because I think that it is very important. The vote is a reflection of my opinion in front of the Chilean society.

My opinion on electoral campaings is very negative, because the politician are corrupted. All the campaigns are surrounded by people that all they are interesed in is making money. And to get more power. And they fight among each candidature team , and they don´t give better proporsals.

I think that a person running for president must have different qualities such as honorability, admirable, trustworthy , intelligent,etc.

I don´t considered to become a politician ever, but my family does, because they think that I have many qualities of a politician such as the negotiation power, the dialogue with other people, the initiative, etc.

If I had the chance, I would like to work in ministry of Environment, to preserve our nature, animals and natural resources. Because these topics have been forgotten.

In my country there are many problems that require an immediate solution like:

-The education (better education)
-Equity (more equity)
-Delinquency ( Decrease the delinquency)
-The laws (more justice)
-The economy (access to basic necessities)

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Criminal Laws

I think that Capital punishment isnt`t a good solution to reduce criminality, because we are not people to judge. Only God can judge us. I think that it is better to train criminals for a special area, and they will be able to insert themselves in the laboral life, and they leave the bad accions.

The pros and cons in Capital punishment are:

Pros (+)

- The criminal never come back to hurt somebody.
- The families afected have a rest and consolation.

Cons (-)

- We are not people to judge to other people, because we are human, and we make mistakes.
-The families of a criminals will sufer very much.

The government should give more laboral posibilities to reduce criminality rates in Santiago, because the people wouldn`t need to cheat or steal anything, because they have their own money.

The origin of the increasing criminality rates in Chile are the financial and economical inequalities, because the people in too many ocasions don`t have the suficient adquisitive power to get things. And in this time, this power moves the entire world.

I have been a victim of burglary pick pocketing many times, and this makes me angry. Also, in one oportunity a gypsy stole me $10.000!!! It is a fraud, because she said to me that my family doesn`t love me, and the world is bad, and a lot of nosenses!

Anyway, I think that having another way to resolve the social problems in a good way...

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

What to do? Where to go in Santiago?

If you come to Santiago, you must visit in the heart of city centre the palace of government called: "La Moneda", this is a very beautiful construction opened in 1804. You can walk in the interior yards of this building and in a special day of the year, called "the day of cultural patrimony" on 25th of May you can go inside of the Palace and visit the diferent lounges and halls.

Another very entertaining place is the MIM "Interactive Museum Mirador", this is an interactive museum, and very didactic too. For all ages! This place is located in the south of city four blocks away from Mirador Subway.

Regarding relaxing places you must visit "Balthus Spa" it is the biggest Spa in Chile, located in the north of City in the neighbourhood of Vitacura. It is a beautiful place with a covered swimming pool, jacuzzi,ice salon, water vapour salon, sauna, solarium, gym and beautiful salon! And also you can go for a massage! You leave the spa feeling healthy and better!

At night, Bellavista neighbourhood is a very good place to go out at a party or drink some, it is a very good option to meet new people!

You must also visit the Central Market in the center of city and eat a traditional dish, for example: a paila marina (for the hangover), a cazuela, a paila marina, a Chilean salad accompanied with a traditional wine.
TOP 5 of Places and Activities In a Captial Santiago Of Chile:

1. Central Market
2. Palace of Gobernment "La Moneda"
3. MIM
4. Bellavista neighbourhood
5. Balthus Spa