viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of My Academic Year 2009

The evaluation of my academic year 2009 that I do is very good, because this year I have different subjects, and these have been very interesting for me, and very exciting too.

A situation that happened to me was that I me extracted better notes of what was waiting, and it was spectacular! But what had happened if I did not have these results? My end of year would be a calvary!! Do not you believe it?

I think that this academic year has been very difficult, but I believe that the next one will be worse...I hope that I am wrong.
The best of both term was the practice, because I have the opportunity to share with different kids, and this was a very nice experience. I think that we can learn in the classroom of childrens is the best thing can be happen in life. The children in many times are my reason to smile every day, for this reason that I smile a lot this year, for I have been fortunate to be surrounded by children many days.

Another interesting aspect in this year was the meetings, workshops and symposia have been organized at my faculty of Social Sciences, which give us new entertaining and educational didactic experiences. And we can meet people related to education in Chile and other countries that visit us.

Meaning the international, I had to share much of the semester with two special people who traveled from Europe to learn in Chile through the process of "Students exchenge". I hope that this exchange student not be so difficult for them, as I think it will be for me next year. Because it begins the seminar grade and difficult classes like math! But I think it all depends on personality, so each face up the challenges that are approaching.
Finally, I think the point mentioned above is the most important, is the key to success to success over each academic year. Because the secret is know that we are responsible for everything in our lives, with this thought we have won much ground in all areas of knowledge. Because our imagination is an extremely powerful tool. Nothing else we needs to believe in ourselves!! This is the only way! In this way we can get any change in the results in our lives (triumph).

I can say you that: We can do, be and have anything we want! Only we must have faith and trust.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges in my Discipline

Currently, in my discipline has different challenges connected to each of the following areas:

- Technology: In education tthere are more and more challenges in the classroom, because the kids now have others requirements faced to cyber space, the kids enjoy the cyber games, the web pages of Messenger or comunication in general. Like this, the teacher must be revitalized, and must learn about cyber space to innovate our class using TIC´S (Tecnology and information of Comunication)

- Social Matters: This carrer is conected with this issues very much, because we have the possibility of going to a professional practice starting from the first year, and get aquantied with the school reality, the true challenge is to help of each kid, and trust in them.

- Education: The challenge in this point is to improve the quality education, and work for that!

End of ANEF strike

Today ANEF announced the end of their strike. This occured this morning in the headquarter of United Central Worker (CUT), it was remarkable because this strike began the present monday, to pressure the gobernment and congress to increase the wages settlement in the public sector.

Sixteen unions were involved in it as CONFUSAM ( confederation of health government employee local) or Registry Office.

Raúl de la Fuente, Anef president, says: "For the public employee this is a victory"

This piece of news will affect my community, my city, and my country because the government proposed an increment in wages, and extra month's salary payment for Christmas and one for our national celebrities in September, and more bonus.

I read this peace of news on Internet and I would like to read this, because it is a very good peace of news for every public employee as my father!

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Improving my Faculty Facilities

The current situation in my Faculty is the precary of it improves, because the classrooms are small as the library,the casino is expensive, the batrooms the most times haven´t hygienic paper, etc... All this things need improvement to go in benefit of all the students of this Faculty.

My first steps to dealing with this situation would be: Send a petitonary to the Dean,explaining this situation to him, and coming to some agreement about this problem that matters for all. In this way I could resolve this situation across the dialog.

The real benefits or impact of these improvements could be:

-To improve the quality of life of all members of this Faculty (students, teachers, administrative officers and civil servants).

-To improve the infrastructure of the Faculty to achieve a better look of the external agents (such as exchange international students, civil people, etc.)

A further recommendations:

To achieve our offers across the dialog, the hope and especially the witness!

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

New York kids: School or street life

Wednesday April 8th 2009

The TASS state school in Manhattan attends kids from housing projects in the poorer neighbourhoods of the East Village.

Mike Goodwin (teacher of this school) thinks this: The art, yoga and being a good listener help to distract pupils from the culture of drugs and gangs waiting for them outside the school!

Teachers help kids to express themselves. Create a teaching programmes in drama, music and visual arts. The kids can even do yoga in their music class. Because this programm is complementary with each subject.

The students love the interaction and the small group ,and they like communicating maths,lenguages, sciences and history through a piece of visual art or music. It's more creative than learning in traditional way.

For more information see this web site:

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Election day

I registered to vote, because I think that it is very important. The vote is a reflection of my opinion in front of the Chilean society.

My opinion on electoral campaings is very negative, because the politician are corrupted. All the campaigns are surrounded by people that all they are interesed in is making money. And to get more power. And they fight among each candidature team , and they don´t give better proporsals.

I think that a person running for president must have different qualities such as honorability, admirable, trustworthy , intelligent,etc.

I don´t considered to become a politician ever, but my family does, because they think that I have many qualities of a politician such as the negotiation power, the dialogue with other people, the initiative, etc.

If I had the chance, I would like to work in ministry of Environment, to preserve our nature, animals and natural resources. Because these topics have been forgotten.

In my country there are many problems that require an immediate solution like:

-The education (better education)
-Equity (more equity)
-Delinquency ( Decrease the delinquency)
-The laws (more justice)
-The economy (access to basic necessities)

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Criminal Laws

I think that Capital punishment isnt`t a good solution to reduce criminality, because we are not people to judge. Only God can judge us. I think that it is better to train criminals for a special area, and they will be able to insert themselves in the laboral life, and they leave the bad accions.

The pros and cons in Capital punishment are:

Pros (+)

- The criminal never come back to hurt somebody.
- The families afected have a rest and consolation.

Cons (-)

- We are not people to judge to other people, because we are human, and we make mistakes.
-The families of a criminals will sufer very much.

The government should give more laboral posibilities to reduce criminality rates in Santiago, because the people wouldn`t need to cheat or steal anything, because they have their own money.

The origin of the increasing criminality rates in Chile are the financial and economical inequalities, because the people in too many ocasions don`t have the suficient adquisitive power to get things. And in this time, this power moves the entire world.

I have been a victim of burglary pick pocketing many times, and this makes me angry. Also, in one oportunity a gypsy stole me $10.000!!! It is a fraud, because she said to me that my family doesn`t love me, and the world is bad, and a lot of nosenses!

Anyway, I think that having another way to resolve the social problems in a good way...