jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

End of ANEF strike

Today ANEF announced the end of their strike. This occured this morning in the headquarter of United Central Worker (CUT), it was remarkable because this strike began the present monday, to pressure the gobernment and congress to increase the wages settlement in the public sector.

Sixteen unions were involved in it as CONFUSAM ( confederation of health government employee local) or Registry Office.

Raúl de la Fuente, Anef president, says: "For the public employee this is a victory"

This piece of news will affect my community, my city, and my country because the government proposed an increment in wages, and extra month's salary payment for Christmas and one for our national celebrities in September, and more bonus.

I read this peace of news on Internet and I would like to read this, because it is a very good peace of news for every public employee as my father!

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