The evaluation of my academic year 2009 that I do is very good, because this year I have different subjects, and these have been very interesting for me, and very exciting too.
A situation that happened to me was that I me extracted better notes of what was waiting, and it was spectacular! But what had happened if I did not have these results? My end of year would be a calvary!! Do not you believe it?
I think that this academic year has been very difficult, but I believe that the next one will be worse...I hope that I am wrong.
The best of both term was the practice, because I have the opportunity to share with different kids, and this was a very nice experience. I think that we can learn in the classroom of childrens is the best thing can be happen in life. The children in many times are my reason to smile every day, for this reason that I smile a lot this year, for I have been fortunate to be surrounded by children many days.
Another interesting aspect in this year was the meetings, workshops and symposia have been organized at my faculty of Social Sciences, which give us new entertaining and educational didactic experiences. And we can meet people related to education in Chile and other countries that visit us.
Meaning the international, I had to share much of the semester with two special people who traveled from Europe to learn in Chile through the process of "Students exchenge". I hope that this exchange student not be so difficult for them, as I think it will be for me next year. Because it begins the seminar grade and difficult classes like math! But I think it all depends on personality, so each face up the challenges that are approaching.
Finally, I think the point mentioned above is the most important, is the key to success to success over each academic year. Because the secret is know that we are responsible for everything in our lives, with this thought we have won much ground in all areas of knowledge. Because our imagination is an extremely powerful tool. Nothing else we needs to believe in ourselves!! This is the only way! In this way we can get any change in the results in our lives (triumph).
I can say you that: We can do, be and have anything we want! Only we must have faith and trust.