I went to high school in a school called Santa Cruz located in Santiago Centro (Nataniel Cox with Victoria). This school offers personalized education. I went to this school during 5 years, since 2001 to 2005.
My experience in this school was very good. Because y knew many beautiful people. A think that I can remember was the support of my philosophy teacher. She was a very good teacher , she taught me many things, and she was very nice with me.
Other thing that I never forgoten was my group of friends called "Tartaris" they was (and still they are) very important to me. They always been with me in all dificults moments of my life, situations like the death of my grandmother last month...
The technology in my high school was very well, we had computers a proyection room for power point presentations, and a wide and modern library.
The bad points in my high school experience was a period of mi life that I didn´t like, because I had a period of depression, and all things seemed bad. Everything looked different through the depression eyes...
I say to our authoroties is improve the quality of education in this country,
implementing attractive and innovative methods in schools and providing teachers committed to their teaching.